Your voice is critical. It's important to contact your elected officials and make it heard. Our collective voice, when we all do our part has a significant impact.
Remember - it's not about being right. If that were the case, we would have been winning all these years. It's about knowing your audience, talking to them where they are, and being persuasive.
it is crucial that we make our voices heard through the media, both social and traditional forms. If you are especially interested in a particular issue, write, call, or arrange to visit your elected representatives to let them know where you stand. Write letters to the editor or opinion columns to your local newspaper, television or radio outlet, and relevant Blogs and other Internet forums, listed separately on this page. Your opinions matter, but only if you express them.
Tips for talking with your representatives:
Share Stories - It is critical to know and present your case factually, but legislators always tell us that (any particular issue, if it is the case, does not exist within their constituencies) real stories of what life really looks and feels like are critically important in depoliticizing issues and casting them as human issues that effect us all. It's also imperative that we make our voices heard and remind them that we are growing power in their respective districts to hold them accountable to the people they represent.
The Idaho Legislature calendar is here.
Senate and House Calendars are updated by 5pm daily check the schedule here:
The United States Senate calendars and schedules are here.
The United States House of Representatives schedule is here.
The Idaho Secretary of State Elections Calendar is here.
Other useful information for Idaho voters is here.
Democracy isn’t just a word—it’s a practice that requires all of us. United Vision for Idaho (UVI) is leading the charge to protect and revitalize our democracy. We’re not just talking—we’re taking action together and giving a pathway for all those longing for civil discord and true democracy to provide the skills and practice to build the world we all want and need. Check out